& McKay has long championed the role of collaborative law in the divorce
setting, and we offer one of the best and most experienced collaborative law
divorce attorneys in the State of New Hampshire in Catherine McKay. However,
the gains made in collaborative law in the family arena are being noticed by
other attorneys who practice in the civil areas. Employment disputes, business disputes,
probate disputes, and other areas of civil practice seem like potential great
areas for collaborative law to continue to develop.
& McKay supports the Collaborative Law Alliance of New Hampshire (CLANH),
and through that great organization we have been introduced to potential new
areas of law where collaborative practice can be utilized. In fact, the New
Hampshire Bar Association just did a spotlight article on collaborative law
being developed in the civil practice. I encourage anyone that is interested in
learning about collaborative law to click here
and read about CLANH’s role in bringing the collaborative practice to civil law
in New Hampshire.
Parnell & McKay we have always focused on cost efficient resolutions for
our clients. While not all cases will fit with collaborative law, it is
important to understand that many do fit perfectly within its boundaries.
Collaborative Law can prevent the angst and stress of litigation, help avoid
the costs of litigation, and allows the parties to craft their own settlement
agreements based on their individual needs. This takes the decisions out of the
Court’s hands, and puts it back in the parties to resolve their own conflicts.